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There could be multiple reasons for an Android app to crash during the OnActivityResult process and fail to display the captured image. Some of the common reasons are:

  1. The captured image is too large or corrupted, which causes the app to crash during image processing.

  2. The app does not have necessary permissions to access the camera or storage device, which results in an error while saving or displaying the image.

  3. The app code has some bugs or logical errors, which cause the app to crash during the OnActivityResult process.

  4. The device is running low on memory, and the app cannot process the image due to insufficient resources.

  5. The device's camera is not functioning correctly or is incompatible with the app, leading to errors during image capture or processing.

To fix the issue, the developer needs to identify the root cause of the problem and apply the appropriate solution, which may include optimizing image processing, granting necessary permissions, fixing code bugs, or upgrading the camera hardware.