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To address the warning error indicating that the version of the Runtime JAR files in the classpath should be consistent, you can do the following:

  1. Check the version of the Runtime JAR files currently in use: Identify the exact version of the Runtime JAR files that are currently in use by your application.

  2. Update the Runtime JAR files to a consistent version: If you have multiple versions of the Runtime JAR files in your classpath, remove the older versions and replace them with the latest version. Ensure that all the Runtime JAR files are of the same version.

  3. Update your classpath: Once you've updated the Runtime JAR files, update your classpath to include only the latest version of the Runtime JAR files.

  4. Test your application: Test your application thoroughly to ensure that it functions as expected with the updated Runtime JAR files.

  5. Maintain consistency: Going forward, ensure that any updates or changes to the Runtime JAR files are done in a consistent manner, and all Runtime JAR files in the classpath are of the same version.