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The process for creating a deque (double ended queue) of generic type involves the following steps:

  1. Import the Java utility package for deque: import java.util.Deque

  2. Declare the deque with the desired generic type. For example, to create a deque of integers: Deque<Integer> myDeque = new ArrayDeque<>();

  3. Add elements to the deque using the addFirst() or addLast() methods: myDeque.addFirst(3); myDeque.addLast(5);

  4. Remove elements from the deque using the removeFirst() or removeLast() methods: myDeque.removeFirst(); myDeque.removeLast();

  5. Access the elements in the deque using the getFirst() or getLast() methods: int first = myDeque.getFirst(); int last = myDeque.getLast();

Overall, the process for creating a deque of generic type is similar to creating any other data structure with a generic type in Java, but with the added benefit of being able to add or remove elements from both ends of the deque.