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One way to reduce the file size of multi-page TIFF files after being rotated through Imagick in PHP is to use the setCompression() method and set it to a compression format that is more efficient for the type of image being compressed. For example, for bi-level images, CCITT Group 4 compression may be more efficient than LZW compression.

Another way to reduce the file size is to use the setImageDepth() method to set the bit depth of the image to a lower value. This can also be done with the setImageCompressionQuality() method, which reduces the quality of the image to reduce the file size.

Finally, using the setSamplingFactors() method can also be used to reduce the file size. This method reduces the amount of color information in the image by reducing the number of pixels used to represent the same color.

It's important to note that reducing the file size too much can result in loss of quality, so it's important to find a balance between file size and image quality.