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There could be several reasons why your images in CSS cannot be resized to 50px. Here are some possible reasons:

  1. The image size: If the original image size is smaller than 50px, then resizing it to 50px will result in poor image quality or pixelation.

  2. Image container size: If the size of the container that holds the image is smaller than 50px, then resizing the image to 50px may cause it to overflow or distort.

  3. CSS rules: The CSS rules applied to the image may be conflicting with the resizing rule. Check if there are any conflicting rules or overrides that prevent the image from being resized to 50px.

  4. Incorrect syntax: Make sure you have used the correct syntax for resizing images in CSS. The correct syntax for resizing an image to 50px is:

    img { width: 50px; height: auto; }

Check if you have followed this syntax correctly.

  1. Browser compatibility: Some older browsers may not support the resizing of images in CSS. Check if your browser supports this feature.

By checking these possible reasons, you may be able to troubleshoot why your images in CSS cannot be resized to 50px.