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To redirect the old domain to the new one using Firebase Hosting, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Add the new domain to Firebase Hosting: Go to the Firebase Console > Hosting > Connect Domain and follow the instructions to verify and add the new domain.

  2. Set up the redirects: In the Firebase Console, go to Hosting > Redirects and add a new redirect rule to redirect traffic from the old domain to the new one. For example, if your old domain is and your new domain is, you can set up a redirect rule to redirect any traffic from* to$1.

  3. Update the DNS settings: Update the DNS settings for the old domain to point to Firebase Hosting. You can find the DNS settings in the Firebase Console under Hosting > Connect Domain > DNS.

  4. Wait for the DNS changes to propagate: It might take some time for the DNS changes to propagate, so you need to wait for a few hours for the redirect to start working.

Once the DNS changes have propagated, any traffic coming to the old domain will be redirected to the new domain seamlessly.