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There could be several reasons for the online GDB C++ compiler to abruptly halt during the debugging of your code, including:

  1. Logical errors in the code: If there are logical errors in the code, it could result in the program getting stuck in an infinite loop or crashing, which could cause the online compiler to abruptly halt.

  2. Memory issues: If the program is trying to access memory locations that are not allocated or is accessing invalid memory locations, it could cause the program to crash and the online compiler to halt.

  3. Input/output issues: If the program is expecting input from the user but the input is not given or is invalid, it could cause the program to crash and the online compiler to halt.

  4. Compiler or platform issues: In some cases, the online compiler may have issues with certain code constructs, libraries or API calls, which could lead to a halt during debugging.

  5. System or network issues: Sometimes, network or system issues could cause the online compiler or debugger to halt, such as slow network, server or platform maintenance, or even malware or security issues.