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The System.Text.Json library in .NET supports serialization of class hierarchies and inheritance in the following ways:

  1. Polymorphic Serialization: With polymorphic serialization, the serializer can handle objects of different types in a hierarchy, and serialize them according to the same base type. This means that you don't need to modify the serialization code to handle every subtype of a class.

  2. Inheritance: With a class hierarchy, you can define a base class with properties, methods, and events shared by its derived classes. Properties that aren't present in the subclass won't be serialized. Inherited members are serialized along with the subclass's members.

  3. Discriminator-based Serialization: The System.Text.Json library supports a discriminator-based serialization scheme, where the type of an object is indicated using a "discriminator" field in the JSON data. This field can be used to determine the actual type of the object when deserializing the data.

Overall, the System.Text.Json library provides flexible and powerful support for serialization involving hierarchy and inheritance in .NET.