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To add a "Your Location" button in the selection of "Origin Location" that can locate the current position, you would need to follow these steps:

  1. Add a "Your Location" button to the selection of origin locations in your application or website.
  2. Implement geolocation functionality in your application or website using HTML5 geolocation API or any other third-party libraries.
  3. When the user clicks on the "Your Location" button, check if your application has the necessary permissions to access the user's location.
  4. If your application has the necessary permissions, retrieve the user's latitude and longitude using the geolocation API.
  5. Populate the latitude and longitude fields in the origin location selection with the retrieved user's location.
  6. If your application does not have the necessary permissions to access the user's location, prompt the user to grant permission to access their location.
  7. If the user grants permission, retrieve the user's location using the geolocation API and populate the origin location fields with the retrieved user's location.
  8. If the user denies permission to access their location, you can either prompt the user again or allow them to manually enter their origin location.

Overall, the process involves adding a button, implementing geolocation functionality, and handling permissions and user responses to provide a seamless experience for the user.