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To compare two objects and obtain distinct columns in Laravel, you can use the diff() method provided by the Collection class:

  1. First, retrieve the two objects you want to compare and put them into separate variables.

  2. Call the diff() method on one of the objects and pass in the other object as an argument. This will return a third object that contains only the elements that are in the first object but not in the second.

  3. Since you only want to obtain distinct columns, you can chain the pluck() method onto the resulting object, passing in the name of the column you want to retrieve as an argument. This will return a collection containing only the distinct values for that column.

Here's an example:

$object1 = DB::table('table1')->select('id', 'name', 'age')->get();
$object2 = DB::table('table2')->select('id', 'name', 'height')->get();

$distinctColumns = $object1->diff($object2)->pluck('name')->unique();

// This will return a collection of all the distinct names in object1 that are not in object2.

In this example, we're comparing two different tables (table1 and table2) and retrieving three columns from each (id, name, and age from table1 and id, name, and height from table2). We then use the diff() method to find the elements that are only in table1 and not in table2. Finally, we use the pluck() and unique() methods to retrieve only the distinct values of the name column in table1.