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There could be several reasons for getting a 404 error when attempting to retrieve a custom text classification using Azure Cognitive Services. These include:

  1. Incorrect API endpoint or resource URL: Make sure the API endpoint or resource URL you are using is correct and matches the one specified in your Azure Cognitive Services account.

  2. Invalid authentication credentials: Ensure that your authentication credentials are valid and properly configured. Check your subscription key or access token to make sure they are correct.

  3. Incorrect input data: Make sure that the input data you are providing to the API is in the correct format and meets the requirements specified by Azure Cognitive Services.

  4. Resource not found: The custom text classification resource you are trying to access may not be available or may have been deleted. Verify that the resource exists and is accessible from your account.

  5. Service outage: Azure Cognitive Services may experience service outages or disruptions which can cause 404 errors. Check the Azure status page to see if there are any ongoing issues.