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There are a few different solutions to addressing compatibility problems in a Spring Boot application when utilizing both Gradle and Maven builds:

  1. Standardize on one build tool: To avoid compatibility issues, it is often easiest to standardize on one build tool (either Gradle or Maven) for the entire development team. This ensures that all dependencies are managed consistently and that there are no conflicts or version mismatches.

  2. Use a compatible plugin to generate build files: There are plugins available that can help generate Gradle or Maven build files based on an existing project. This can be a good option for teams that prefer one build tool but need to work on a project that uses the other.

  3. Define a standard set of dependencies: Another way to address compatibility issues is to define a standard set of dependencies that are required for all projects, regardless of the build tool used. This can help ensure that all dependencies are compatible with each other and that there are no version mismatches.

  4. Use a dependency management tool: Dependency management tools like Apache Ivy or Apache Maven can help ensure that all dependencies are managed consistently, regardless of the build tool used. These tools can help resolve conflicts and version mismatches automatically, simplifying the development process.