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There are several ways to prevent the occurrence of "error TS2533: Object is possibly 'null' or 'undefined'," including:

  1. Using the "nonnull assertion operator (!)" to tell TypeScript that an object is not null or undefined. For example, you can use "object!" instead of "object".

  2. Using optional chaining to handle null or undefined values in object properties. For example, you can use "object?.property" instead of "".

  3. Checking for null or undefined values before accessing an object property. For example, you can use "if (object !== null && object !== undefined) {...}" before accessing "".

  4. Using a default value when accessing an object property that may be null or undefined. For example, you can use " || defaultValue".

  5. Enabling strict null checks in TypeScript compiler options to enforce stricter null and undefined checks throughout your codebase.