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  1. Open your Xcode project and select your project in the Project Navigator.

  2. Select your target from the Targets list.

  3. Click Build Settings tab.

  4. Search for "debug information format" and set it to "DWARF with dSYM File" for the release configuration.

  5. Search for "Optimization Level" and set it to "-Os".

  6. Search for "Build Active Architecture Only" and set it to "Yes" for the release configuration.

  7. Search for "Strip Debug Symbols During Copy" and set it to "Yes" for the release configuration.

  8. Search for "One or More Targets" and select "All" for the release configuration.

  9. Search for "Skip Install" and set it to "Yes" for the release configuration.

  10. Build your project for the release configuration. The resulting output should be a release static library.