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  1. Use strict schema validation: One way to avoid overriding JSON data is by using a strict schema validation process. This ensures that data added to the database matches the predefined data model and ensures that additional fields or data types are not added that could cause conflicts.

  2. Use nested documents: You can avoid overriding data by using nested documents or sub-documents. A nested document can hold related data, and as a result, saves space.

  3. Use unique index: Unique indexes are useful in MongoDB to ensure no two documents have the same value for a particular key. This ensures there are no duplicate or conflicting data.

  4. Use arrays: Using arrays can also help to avoid overriding data, each item in the array can hold a different value, and the entire array doesn't need to be updated all at once.

  5. Use naming conventions: Using specific names or prefixes/suffixes when naming fields can help reduce the risk of overriding data by creating unique identifiers.

  6. Use Atomic Operations: MongoDB allows atomic updates, which can be used to ensure a multi-step update is completed in a single operation, reducing the risk of overriding JSON data.

  7. Use ObjectIDs: MongoDB provides special ObjectID fields which consist of unique identifiers to prevent data duplication. By using ObjectIDs, you can ensure that data is unique and doesn't conflict with other data.