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There can be various reasons for the failure of Task :app:signReleaseBundle in React Native Android, including:

  1. Keystore or alias errors: If the keystore or alias used for signing the release bundle is incorrect or missing, the task can fail.

  2. Permissions issues: The user executing the build process may not have the appropriate permissions to access the keystore or create the signed release bundle.

  3. Configuration errors: Problems in setting up the build.gradle file or missing configuration entries can lead to this error.

  4. Gradle version and compatibility issues: Using an incompatible version of Gradle or mixing versions can cause the task to fail.

  5. Java version issues: If the Java version does not match the required version for the project, it can result in the failure of the signing task.

  6. Use of outdated dependencies: Using outdated dependencies and libraries can cause errors in the build process, including signing the release bundle.

  7. Encrypted environment variables: The signing process requires sensitive information like passwords, username, etc. in some cases. If these variables are encrypted and the decryption code is missing, it can cause errors.