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If you are unable to find Typeshed with Pyre-check, you can try the following steps:

  1. Ensure that Pyre-check is installed in your system. You can check this by running the command: pyre --version.

  2. Check if your Python environment is set up correctly. To do this, run the following command: pyre --sp-repo. This will show you the repository path where Pyre-check is looking for the typeshed files.

  3. If Pyre-check is not able to find Typeshed, you can try installing it manually. Visit the Typeshed Github repository ( and download the package.

  4. Once you've downloaded Typeshed, extract it to a folder in your system. Make sure the folder is accessible to Pyre-check.

  5. You can then configure Pyre-check to use the Typeshed files by setting the --typeshed-path flag to the path where you extracted Typeshed.

  6. Finally, run Pyre-check again to see if it is now able to find Typeshed.