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The method to determine if True is equivalent to Assert.AreEqual with an empty string parameter is to write a unit test that uses both methods to make sure they produce the same result. Here's an example in C#:

public void True_Is_Equivalent_To_Assert_AreEqual_With_Empty_String_Parameter()
    // Arrange
    bool expected = true;

    // Act
    bool actual = true;

    // Assert using True

    // Assert using Assert.AreEqual with empty string parameter
    Assert.AreEqual(expected.ToString(), "", "True is not equivalent to Assert.AreEqual with empty string parameter."); 

In this unit test, we're testing if True is equivalent to Assert.AreEqual with an empty string parameter. We first set up the expected value and then set the actual value to true. We then use the two different methods to assert the actual value. The first assertion uses the True method provided by most unit testing frameworks. The second assertion uses Assert.AreEqual with an empty string parameter to convert the boolean value to a string and ensure it is equal to an empty string. If both assertions pass, we can conclude that True is indeed equivalent to Assert.AreEqual with an empty string parameter.