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The approach for utilizing Koin DI in a hybrid project that combines Compose with a traditional XML view involves the following steps:

  1. Initialize Koin in the Application class.

  2. Define separate modules for Compose and XML views to provide dependencies.

  3. Use the Koin component in both Compose and XML-based views to inject dependencies.

  4. Define separate binding adapters for Compose and XML views.

  5. Use the binding adapters to integrate Compose into the XML-view based screens and vice versa.

  6. Use the ViewModel class that can be accessed from both Compose and XML-based views.

  7. Use navigation components and routes to navigate between screens.

  8. Create views and layouts for Compose and XML-based screens separately.

By following these steps, you can utilize Koin DI in a hybrid project that combines Compose with traditional XML views.