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There could be multiple reasons why your app is not displaying the layout you created for a particular activity in Kotlin. Some common reasons include:

  1. Layout file not being properly linked to the activity: Ensure that you have properly linked the layout file to the activity in the Kotlin file. You can do this by using the setContentView() method in the onCreate() method of the Kotlin file.

  2. Errors in the layout file: Check the layout file for any errors in the XML code. Even a simple typo or syntax error can cause the layout to not display properly.

  3. Incorrect layout file name or location: Make sure that the name and location of the layout file is correct. Double-check that the file is located in the res/layout directory and has the correct naming convention.

  4. Device configuration issues: Sometimes, layout issues can be caused by device configuration issues like screen size, density, or orientation. Ensure that you have tested the layout on multiple devices to rule out device configuration-related issues.

  5. Other code issues: Check for any other issues in your Kotlin code that might be breaking the layout. Sometimes, other code issues can interfere with the layout and cause it to not display properly.

Overall, thorough testing and debugging will help you identify and fix the issue with your layout.