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The "ValueError: A PythonObject is not attached to a node" error occurs when using a script that attempts to access a node in Nuke that does not exist or has not been correctly attached to the script. This error can occur even when using a try/except block because the block may not catch all possible exceptions.

To resolve this error, you can check if the node that is causing the error exists before accessing it. You can do this by using the nuke.exists() function, which returns true if the node exists in the script.

Here is an example:

    node = nuke.toNode('NodeName')
    if nuke.exists(node):
        # Access the node here
        print('Node does not exist')
except ValueError as e:
    print('Error:', e)

This code will first try to access the node "NodeName". If the node exists, the script will continue to execute. If it does not exist, the script will print a message saying "Node does not exist".

By checking if the node exists before accessing it, you can avoid the "ValueError: A PythonObject is not attached to a node" error in your script.