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There could be a few reasons why the Docker file is unable to detect the file located in the resource folder:

  1. Make sure the file is in the correct location: Double-check that the file is indeed located in the resource folder that the Docker file is looking for. If it is not, move it to the correct location.

  2. Check your Docker file: Ensure that your Docker file has the correct syntax and instructions for copying the file from the resource folder to the image. For example, if you are using a COPY command, ensure that the source and destination paths are correct.

  3. Dockerfile context: The Dockerfile context is the set of files and directories that are sent to the Docker daemon when building an image. Ensure that the resource folder is included in the context.

  4. Permissions: Sometimes, files located in the resource folder may have restrictive permissions that prevent the Docker image from accessing them. Check the file permissions and adjust as necessary.

Debugging the Docker file can be a challenging task, but by following these steps, you may be able to identify the issue and resolve it.