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There could be various reasons why the page isn't displaying on the browser in Vue.js 3. A few possible reasons are:

  1. Incorrectly configured router: If you're using Vue Router and the routes are not correctly defined or the router isn't initialized properly, the page may not show up.

  2. Syntax or logic errors in code: There might be syntax or logic errors in the Vue components or templates that may prevent the page from rendering. Check the console for any error messages.

  3. Missing or incorrect dependencies: Check if you have all the required dependencies installed and updated. Some issues may occur if the versions of some dependencies do not match.

  4. Wrongly placed HTML element: Ensure that you have correctly placed the HTML elements in the right components, so they show up on the page.

  5. Compatibility issues with the browser: Check if your browser version is compatible with the Vue.js version you're using.

Once you identify the cause of the issue, you can then take the necessary steps to resolve it.