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There are a few possible reasons why you might be experiencing this issue:

  1. Incorrect classpath: Make sure that the classpath includes the directory containing the class file. In IntelliJ, you can check the classpath in the "Project Structure" dialog by going to "Modules" and selecting the module for your plugin.

  2. Incorrect package name: Check that the package name in the class file matches the package name specified in the plugin.xml file.

  3. Incorrect plugin.xml configuration: Make sure that the plugin.xml file is correctly configured and includes the necessary dependencies.

  4. Missing dependencies: Check that all necessary dependencies are included in the classpath. You may need to update your Gradle or Maven dependencies.

  5. Conflicting class names: Check if there are any conflicting class names or duplicate classes in your plugin. This can sometimes cause ClassNotFoundException errors.

If none of these solutions work, it may be helpful to provide more information about the specific error message and code that is causing the issue.