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There are several ways to modify a color within a color palette manually:

  1. Adjust the hue: This changes the color in the palette to another color. For example, you can change a yellow color to an orange color or a red color to a pink color.

  2. Adjust the saturation: This changes the vibrancy or intensity of a color. Increasing the saturation can make a color more vivid, while decreasing it can make it more muted.

  3. Adjust the brightness: This changes how light or dark a color is. Brightening a color makes it lighter, while darkening it makes it darker.

  4. Mix colors: You can create new colors by mixing existing ones in your palette. For example, you can mix a yellow and a blue color to create a green color.

  5. Use a color filter or adjustment layer: Many design software programs come with color filters or adjustment layers that can modify the colors in your palette. These can include options like color balance, levels, or curves.