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There are several ways to showcase images after deploying Django onto GAE:

  1. Use a cloud-based storage service such as Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3 to host your images. This will allow you to store large amounts of data and serve images quickly and reliably.

  2. Utilize Django's built-in media handling capabilities. This involves configuring a media directory and using the ImageField or FileField in your Django models. You can use something like django-storages to store uploaded media files on GAE.

  3. Use a third-party image hosting service like Imgur or Flickr. These services provide APIs that can be integrated with your Django application to allow users to upload and showcase images.

  4. Develop your own custom solution for showcasing images. This could involve using a third-party library like Pillow or Wand to manipulate and display images on your website, or building an image gallery using JavaScript and HTML.