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  1. Create an IAM Role: The first step is to create an IAM role in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) that allows AppRunner to interact with DynamoDB. When creating the IAM role, you can specify the actions and resources that the role can access.

  2. Attach the appropriate IAM Policy: Attach a policy that grants permissions to access DynamoDB operations to the IAM role. A sample policy can include permissions to perform CRUD operations on DynamoDB tables.

  3. Enable AppRunner access to IAM Role: To allow AppRunner to access the IAM Role, you must enable the AppRunner service to assume the IAM role. This is done by adding a trust policy to the IAM Role.

  4. Configure the AppRunner environment: In the AppRunner service, create an environment and specify the IAM role you created earlier. You can also specify your DynamoDB endpoint and other environment variables.

  5. Deploy the Application: Once the environment is set up, deploy your application to the AppRunner environment. Your application should be able to access the DynamoDB tables using the IAM Role you setup earlier.

  6. Test the application: Test the application to ensure that it can successfully retrieve data from DynamoDB. You can use AWS CloudWatch to monitor and troubleshoot the application if any issues arise.

It is important to ensure that you have granted the appropriate permissions to the IAM role and that you have secured the AppRunner environment to prevent unauthorized access to your DynamoDB data.