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The correct method for retrieving environment variables in Rust when running on Google Cloud Run using Docker is to use the std::env::var function.

This function allows you to retrieve the value of an environment variable as a string. To use it, simply pass the name of the environment variable as a string, like this:

let my_var = std::env::var("MY_VAR_NAME").unwrap();

This will retrieve the value of the MY_VAR_NAME environment variable and store it in the my_var string.

To set environment variables when running your Rust application on Google Cloud Run, you can use the -e flag when running your Docker container, like this:

docker run -e MY_VAR_NAME=value my-image

This will set the MY_VAR_NAME environment variable to the value value when the container is run.

Alternatively, you can set environment variables using the Google Cloud Console or through the gcloud command-line tool.