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There are a few different ways you could approach this depending on the specifics of your application, but one possible method would be:

  1. Set the height of your ListView to a fixed value or to fill its container (e.g. using a Grid with appropriate row/column definitions).
  2. Bind the ListView's ItemsSource property to a collection of data that you want to display in the list.
  3. Use a DataTemplate to define the layout of each item in the list. Inside the DataTemplate, add a Grid or other container element that will hold the content of each item.
  4. Set the Height property of the container element to "Auto" or leave it unspecified (which will have the same effect).
  5. Add the content you want to display for each item (e.g. text, images, etc.) to the container element. If the content exceeds the available space, it should automatically expand the height of the container element to accommodate it.
  6. If necessary, adjust the margins or other layout properties of the container element to control the spacing between items.

With this approach, the height of each individual item in the ListView will be determined by the content of that item, but the overall height of the ListView will be fixed (or set to fill its container). This should ensure that the ListView completely fills the available space without leaving any gaps at the bottom.