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This can be accomplished by using the "Insert" function in Microsoft Word.

  1. Open the destination .docx file in Word.
  2. Place your cursor where you want the content from the other file to be inserted.
  3. Go to the "Insert" tab in the ribbon.
  4. Click on the "Object" button and select "Text from File".
  5. Browse for and select the .docx file that contains the content you want to import.
  6. Click "Insert" to import the content into the destination file.
  7. The content from the other file, including tables and formatting, will now replace any existing text at the insertion point.

If you want to replace all the content in the destination file with the content from the other file, you can simply select all the text in the destination file before following the above steps. This will replace all the content in the file with the content from the other file.