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An effective method for downloading and compressing a significant quantity of files is to use a batch download and compression tool. These tools can automatically download multiple files from a website or server and compress them into a single archive file.

Some popular batch download and compression tools include:

  1. Internet Download Manager (IDM) - a popular download manager that can also compress downloaded files into a single archive file.

  2. WinRAR - a popular compression tool that can also download files from a website or server and compress them into a single archive file.

  3. 7-Zip - a free and open-source compression tool that can also download files from a website or server and compress them into a single archive file.

To use these tools, simply specify the URLs of the files you want to download, and the tool will automatically download and compress them into a single archive file. This method is much faster and more efficient than downloading and compressing files manually, especially for large quantities of files.