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There could be several reasons for this issue. Here are a few possible ones:

  1. The credentials for the MySQL server might be incorrect. Make sure that the hostname, username, and password credentials in your docker-compose file match those of the MySQL server.

  2. The container hosting the MySQL service might not be running. Check the container logs for any errors or warnings.

  3. There might be a network connectivity issue between the container hosting the Golang application and the container hosting the MySQL service. Make sure that both containers are in the same network and that their hostnames are resolvable.

  4. The MySQL image might not be compatible with the version of Docker you are using. Check the Docker documentation for any compatibility issues.

  5. It could be a configuration issue. Check your docker-compose.yml file and the environment variables that interact with MySQL.

  6. The MySQL image could have authentication mode, SSL connection, or firewall enabled. You can check for these settings by accessing the terminal of the MySQL image.

Try debugging through these possible issues and checking that all the prerequisites have been set correctly, and this should help you identify the problem.