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There are several ways to decrease the output generated by Electron Forge make:

  1. Exclude unnecessary files: You can exclude unnecessary files from the build process. Use the "ignore" option in the "package.json" file to exclude files or folders from the build.

  2. Reduce dependencies: You can reduce the number of dependencies your app needs by removing unnecessary packages. This can help reduce the size of the final build.

  3. Minify code: Minifying the code can help to reduce the size of the final build. You can use tools like UglifyJS or Terser to minify the code.

  4. Use compression: You can use compression techniques like gzip or brotli to compress the output generated by Electron Forge make.

  5. Splitting resources: Large resources like images or videos can be split into smaller parts. This can help to reduce the overall size of the final output.

  6. Use a smaller Electron runtime: You can use a smaller Electron runtime like Electron Fiddle, which has a smaller filesize and memory footprint than the official Electron build.