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The 401 Unauthorized error in JWT authentication for JHipster microservices can be resolved by following these steps:

  1. Check the validity of the JWT token: Make sure that the JWT token is valid and has not expired. You can use a tool like to verify the token.

  2. Check the authentication configuration: Check the authentication configuration in your application.yml file and make sure that the JWT configuration is correct.

  3. Add the JWT filter to your microservice: Make sure that you have added the JWT filter to your microservice's configuration. You can use the JHipster generator to generate the necessary classes.

  4. Check the authorization configuration: Make sure that the authorization configuration in your application.yml file is correct and that the user has the necessary permissions.

  5. Check the HTTP headers: Check the HTTP headers in the requests and make sure that they contain the necessary JWT token.

  6. Debug the issue: If the above steps do not work, try to debug the issue and find the root cause of the problem. You can use tools like Postman or cURL to make requests and see the response from the server.

Overall, resolving the 401 Unauthorized error in JWT authentication for JHipster microservices requires a thorough understanding of the JWT authentication process and careful configuration of the authentication and authorization settings.