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Steps for using Config Connector to upload an object to a GCP Cloud storage bucket:

  1. Set up Config Connector by following the steps in the official documentation.
  2. Create a Bucket resource definition YAML file.
  3. Set the name and location properties of the bucket definition.
  4. Create a BucketObject resource definition YAML file.
  5. Set the name, bucket, and source properties of the object definition.
  6. Apply both YAML files using kubectl apply.

Steps for creating a Cloud Function with a local source code file to achieve the same task:

  1. Set up a local development environment with the necessary dependencies and tools to create a Cloud Function.
  2. Create a new Cloud Function by running gcloud functions deploy.
  3. Set the name, entry-point, and trigger-event properties of the Cloud Function.
  4. Write the code for the Cloud Function to upload an object to the Cloud Storage bucket.
  5. Test the Cloud Function using the Google Cloud Console or other testing tools.