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There are several ways to avoid terminal from closing due to a process error:

  1. Use nohup: This command allows you to run a process in the background even if you close the terminal. To use nohup, simply type "nohup" before the command.

  2. Use screen: Screen is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to run multiple terminal sessions within a single terminal window. Even if one process fails, you can still access the other sessions.

  3. Redirect output: Instead of printing output to the terminal, you can redirect it to a file. This ensures that if the process fails, the output will still be saved. To redirect output to a file, use the ">" symbol.

  4. Use a process manager: There are many tools available that allow you to manage processes in a more effective manner. Some popular process managers include systemd, upstart, and supervisord. They provide features such as automatic restart of failed processes and monitoring of system resources.

  5. Debug the process: If a process is failing repeatedly, it may be due to a bug in the code. Debugging the code can help identify and fix the issue. To debug a process, use a debugger such as GDB.