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There are a few threading issues related to .Net Core's DbContext in Blazor Server side:

  1. Thread safety: DbContext is not thread-safe, which means that multiple threads cannot access the same DbContext instance simultaneously. This can lead to issues such as race conditions or data corruption.

  2. Request scope: In Blazor Server side, each HTTP request is processed on a separate thread. This means that DbContext should be created and disposed of within the scope of each request. However, if DbContext is used outside of this scope, it can lead to threading issues.

  3. Async operations: Async operations can also cause threading issues if not handled properly. DbContext should be used with async/await patterns, and any operations that require access to the database should be awaited.

  4. Long-running operations: Long-running operations can cause blocking threads, which can lead to performance issues. DbContext operations should be kept short and efficient to avoid blocking threads.

To overcome these issues, it's recommended to use dependency injection to manage the creation and lifetime of DbContext instances, and to ensure that DbContext is used within the scope of each HTTP request. Additionally, async/await patterns should be used to handle database operations.