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Yes, you can use libcsv library to exclusively read the initial row by following these steps:

  1. Open the CSV file using the "csv_open" function.


FILE* file = fopen("example.csv", "r");
csv_t *csv = csv_init(0);
csv_init_io(csv, file);
  1. Read the first row using the "csv_read" function.


csv_read(csv); //Read the first row
  1. Close the CSV file using the "csv_fini" function.


csv_fini(csv, NULL, NULL, NULL);

Note: The "csvinit" function initializes the CSV parser and the "csvinitio" function associates the parser with a file or a stream. The "csvread" function reads the next record from the CSV stream, and the "csv_fini" function frees the memory allocated by the parser.

By using the above steps, you can read the initial row exclusively and discard the remaining rows.