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There are several reasons why a valid JWT token might cause a 403 Forbidden error in a Spring Boot project using JWT authentication with MongoDB. Some possible reasons include:

  1. Invalid signature: If the signature of the JWT token is not valid, the server may reject the request even if the token is otherwise valid. This can happen if the token was tampered with or if the secret used to sign the token has changed.

  2. Expired token: If the JWT token has expired, the server may reject the request with a 403 Forbidden error. This can happen if the token was issued a long time ago and the server has not been configured to accept expired tokens.

  3. Invalid audience or issuer: If the audience or issuer specified in the JWT token does not match the expected values configured on the server, the request may be rejected with a 403 Forbidden error.

  4. Missing or incorrect authorization header: If the JWT token is not included in the Authorization header or if the header is malformed, the server may reject the request with a 403 error.

  5. Insufficient permissions: Even if the JWT token is valid, the server may reject the request if the user does not have sufficient permissions to access the requested resource. This can happen if the user's role is not configured correctly or if the resource is restricted based on other criteria.