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The steps to enable quick and functional code autocompletion for C++ scripts in Unreal Engine 5 using Visual Studio are:

  1. Install and configure Visual Studio for use with Unreal Engine 5, following the official documentation provided by Epic Games.

  2. Open your Unreal Engine 5 project in Visual Studio by right-clicking on the project file in the content browser and selecting "Generate Visual Studio project files".

  3. Once the project is open in Visual Studio, go to the "Tools" menu and select "Options".

  4. In the options window, navigate to "Text Editor" > "C/C++" > "Advanced".

  5. In the "Advanced" section, set the "IntelliSense mode" to "MSVC".

  6. Make sure that the "Disable IntelliSense" checkbox is unchecked.

  7. Save the changes and reopen Visual Studio.

  8. In the code editor window, start typing the name of a class or function you want to use, and wait for Visual Studio to suggest possible completions.

  9. Use the arrow keys or mouse to select the desired completion, and press the "Enter" key to insert it in your code.

  10. You should now have quick and functional code autocompletion for C++ scripts in Unreal Engine 5 using Visual Studio.