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One possibility is to use a plugin like "Permalink Manager Pro" which allows for customizing product URL structures. Here's an example of how to modify the structure to include the SKU and remove the title:

  1. Install and activate Permalink Manager Pro plugin.
  2. Go to WordPress dashboard > Permalink Manager > Permastructures tab.
  3. Find the "Product category" and "Product tag" sections and click "Edit":
  4. In "Product permalink structure" field enter: %product_sku%/.
  5. In "Product category" and "Product tag" settings turn on "Replace regular product permalinks" option.
  6. Go to "Custom permalinks" tab, click the "Add new" button and fill the form:
  • Permalink type: Product
  • Title: [leave blank]
  • Permalink: %product_sku%/

Click "Publish" to save changes.

This will modify your product URLs to include the SKU and remove the title from the URL.