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To execute multiple commands using a single shortcut in Visual Studio Code's keybindings, you can use a macro command. Here are the steps to create a macro command:

  1. Press "Ctrl+Shift+P" to open the Command Palette in Visual Studio Code.
  2. Search for "Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts (JSON)" and select it.
  3. This will open the "keybindings.json" file in Visual Studio Code.
  4. Add the following code to the "keybindings.json" file:
    "key": "ctrl+alt+a",
    "command": "extension.multiCommand.execute",
    "args": {
        "sequence": [

In the above code snippet, you can replace "ctrl+alt+a" with any shortcut key combination you want. Also, replace the "command1", "command2", "command3" with the actual commands you want to execute in sequence.

  1. Save the "keybindings.json" file and close it.
  2. Now, when you press the shortcut key combination (e.g. "ctrl+alt+a"), all the commands in the sequence will be executed one by one.

Note: Make sure to install the "multi-command" extension in Visual Studio Code before using the macro command.