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Setting up a Web Application Firewall (WAF) on Windows 7 using Apache version 2.4.46 (XAMPP) can be accomplished using the following steps:

  1. Download and install ModSecurity for Apache
  2. Download the ModSecurity module for Apache from its website
  3. Extract the ZIP file and copy the "" file to the Apache modules directory (e.g. "C:\xampp\apache\modules")

  4. Edit Apache configuration file

  5. Open the "httpd.conf" file located in the "conf" folder of your Apache installation (e.g. "C:\xampp\apache\conf")
  6. Add the following lines at the end of the file:

LoadModule security2module modules/ Include conf/modsecurity.conf

  1. Create and configure a ModSecurity rules file
  2. Create a new file named "modsecurity.conf" in the "conf" folder of your Apache installation
  3. Add the following lines to the file to enable ModSecurity:

SecRuleEngine On SecRequestBodyAccess On

  • Add further rules as needed to protect your web application against known vulnerabilities
  1. Test the Web Application Firewall
  2. Restart Apache and test your web application to verify that the Web Application Firewall is active and protecting it against known vulnerabilities

Note: Additional customization may be necessary to properly configure the Web Application Firewall for your specific web application. Consult the ModSecurity documentation for more information.