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There are a few ways to reduce tail silence when merging an image and audio file into an mp4 video:

  1. Trim the audio file: Before merging the audio file with the image, you can trim the tail silence from the audio file using an audio editing software. This will remove any unnecessary silence and ensure that your audio ends at the right time.

  2. Adjust the audio levels: Sometimes the tail silence is not completely silent, but rather has some quiet background noise. In this case, you can adjust the audio levels to reduce the background noise.

  3. Use a fade-out effect: Another way to reduce tail silence is to use a fade-out effect on the audio track. This will gradually decrease the volume of the audio until it fades out completely.

  4. Add some background music: If you want to avoid having a completely silent video, you can add some background music to fill the tail silence. Make sure that the music you use is appropriate for the content of your video.