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There are several ways to bring Google Sheets data into a PySpark dataframe:

  1. Google Sheets API: You can use the Google Sheets API to access and retrieve data from Google Sheets. You will need to set up API access and authentication, and then use the API to retrieve data as a CSV file that can be loaded into a PySpark dataframe.

  2. Google Drive API: If your Google Sheets are stored in Google Drive, you can use the Google Drive API to access and retrieve data. You will need to set up API access and authentication, and then use the API to retrieve data as a CSV file that can be loaded into a PySpark dataframe.

  3. Third-party libraries: There are several third-party libraries available that can help you retrieve Google Sheets data and load it into a PySpark dataframe. Some popular libraries include gspread-pandas, pandas-gsheet, and pygsheets.

Regardless of the method you choose, the general process will involve retrieving the data from Google Sheets, saving it as a CSV file, and then using PySpark to load the CSV file into a dataframe.