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There could be several reasons why the event value is undefined in Firebase Realtime Database and Cloud Functions. Here are some common causes and solutions:

  1. Incorrect event type: Make sure that you are listening for the correct event type. For example, if you are trying to get the value of the child node, use the "value" event type.

  2. Incorrect path: Ensure that the path you are using to reference the child node is correct. Double-check the path and verify that it corresponds to the correct node in your database.

  3. Data has not been loaded yet: If the data has not been loaded yet, the event value will be undefined. Make sure you are waiting for the data to load before trying to access it. You can use the "once" method to retrieve the data once it is loaded.

  4. Error in code: Check your code for any errors. Make sure you are properly referencing the database and that your code is correctly structured.

  5. Slow internet connection: If your internet connection is slow, it may take some time for the data to load. Ensure that your connection is stable and try again later.

  6. Permissions: Check the permissions for accessing the database. Ensure that the user has the appropriate permissions to access the database and retrieve the data.

If none of these solutions work, you can try posting your code in the Firebase community or reaching out to Firebase support for further assistance.