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To add LIMIT and ALLOW FILTERING clauses to the Java driver, you can use the following syntax:

Statement statement = session.prepare("SELECT column1, column2 FROM keyspace.table WHERE id = ? LIMIT ? ALLOW FILTERING");

ResultSet resultSet = session.execute(statement.bind(id, limitValue));

In the above code, the ? placeholders are used to set parameters for the prepared statement. The first parameter id is used to filter the results based on a specific value, and the second parameter limitValue is used to restrict the number of results returned by the query. The ALLOW FILTERING clause is used to allow filtering on non-indexed columns.

Once the prepared statement is created, you can bind the values to the placeholders using the bind() method and execute the statement using the execute() method. The result of the query is returned as a ResultSet object, which can be iterated over to retrieve the individual rows and columns of data.

Overall, adding LIMIT and ALLOW FILTERING clauses to the Java driver involves preparing a statement with the appropriate syntax and binding parameters to the statement before executing it.