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To load a dataset onto Weka, you first need to have the dataset saved in a file format that Weka can read. Weka supports many file formats including ARFF, CSV, and XRFF.

Here are the steps to load a dataset onto Weka:

  1. Open Weka on your computer.
  2. Click on the "Explorer" button on the top left corner of the Weka interface.
  3. Click on the "Open File" button on the top left corner of the "Preprocess" tab.
  4. Navigate to the location where your dataset is stored and select the file format from the dropdown list of file types.
  5. Click on the dataset file and click the "Open" button to load it onto Weka.
  6. Once loaded, the dataset will appear in the "Data" panel on the bottom-left corner of the Weka interface.

You can then proceed to preprocess your data or apply machine learning algorithms to the dataset.