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The process for designing a layout page for partial views in ASP.NET MVC involves the following steps:

  1. Create a new layout page: In the Views folder, create a new layout page with the name _Layout.cshtml (partial view) or use the existing one.

  2. Define the layout: Define the layout for the page by adding HTML, CSS, and other design elements.

  3. Add placeholders: Add placeholders for content that will be rendered by partial views. These placeholders are typically defined using the @RenderSection directive.

  4. Define partial views: Create partial views by adding HTML, CSS, and other design elements.

  5. Register partial views with the layout: Register the partial views with the layout by adding the @RenderPartial or @Html.Partial directive at the appropriate location in the layout.

  6. Pass data to partial views: Pass data to the partial views using the ViewData or ViewBag objects.

  7. Render the views: In the controller action, render the views by returning the corresponding view and passing the necessary data.

  8. Test and iteratively refine: Test the layout and partial views, and iteratively refine as needed.

With these steps, a designer can create a layout page for partial views in ASP.NET MVC that is flexible, reusable, and easy to maintain.