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There are several possible reasons why you are not getting a response when making a URL call in ASP.NET Web API:

  1. Network issues: Check your firewall settings and ensure that your web API is accessible from the network.

  2. Incorrect URL: Make sure that the URL you are calling is correct and matches the endpoint of your web API.

  3. Incorrect HTTP verb: Ensure that you are using the correct HTTP verb (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) required for accessing the resource.

  4. Invalid parameters: Check if you are passing the correct parameters to the URL. If not, fix the parameters and try again.

  5. Server errors: Check the server logs for any errors or exceptions that may be preventing the web API from responding.

  6. Authentication and Authorization: Check if authentication and authorization are required to access the resource. If so, ensure that you are providing the correct credentials.

  7. CORS: If you are calling the web API from a different domain, then CORS might be preventing the response. Ensure that you have configured CORS correctly.